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Independent Business and Communication Expert in Melbourne

Here at Gettler Ink, we work hard to cover a wide range of communication and business based services throughout Melbourne, Australia, and the world. We are a small team of journalists, and podcast presenters  for topics related to business and finances.


At Gettler Ink we specialise and work with clients covering topics related to management, technology, human resources, executive pay, and more.

Podcasts and Radio

Gettler Ink founder Leon Gettler produces a regular podcast through ACAST. The podcast "Talking Business" (view here) broadcasts interviews with industry experts on a diverse range of business and technology topics.

The Problem We Are Solving Is...

Most small business owners are good at what they do and provide valuable services. But they are not necessarily good at communicating their message in a way that stays in the mind of their target markets. 
Many of them do not have the time to sit down and write clear messages showing why their service is special. Our solution is to help them identify their strengths and pitch their messages effectively. 
Gettler Ink utilise three skills from our years in journalism: intense listening, researching thoroughly and writing in clear, concise and easy to understand language that will have an impact.
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