For more information on our journalism services, call 0411 745 193 today.


Journalism in Melbourne

Our team of seasoned and independent journalists are regularly contributing to a long list of respected business and finance publications. Businesses need powerful messages that make them stand out. The messages are short and specific and in language that’s easy to understand with words that are concise, professional and to the point.

Gettler Ink

Our founder Leon Gettler is a business communications specialist.
With his guidance Gettler Ink is able to successfully offer advice and publication services including podcasts, business copy, strategic communications, website copy, and strategic business planning. As an award-winning journalist, author, podcaster, radio host, and blogger, Leon has worked as a freelance business journalist specialising in business finance and economics journalism with Fairfax Media and New Corp Australia for over 20 years. 

He is the author of three books, "An Unpromised Land" (Fremantle Arts Centre Press, 1993) (winner of a National Book Council Award), the critically acclaimed "Organisations Behaving Badly" (John Wiley, 2004) and "Ten Ways To Survive The Corporate World" (Trafford, 2015) (winner of the US Prize for Literary Achievement).

Our team also write and manage several blogs including Sox First and Management Line, and regularly speak for conferences and events around the world. We aim to communicate a unique point of view and incorporate a sense of humour in our presentations and ultimately inspire business owners everywhere to make the most of their careers.

For any enquiries, please call us on 0411 745 193.

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